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adidas | Run For The Oceans London 2019 & 2021 Campaign
Saving the environment is a phrase on everybody’s lips at the moment but it’s difficult to know where to start.
You might have already swapped out plastic straws for paper ones but there’s another way to do your bit for the environment and it’s as simple as going for a run. adidas and Parley are raising awareness of the Parley Ocean School program. Together, they’re pledging to donate up to $1.5 million dollars – but the final figure donated will be up to you! Take part in the Run For The Oceans Campaign by downloading the Runtastic app and tracking your runs between June 8 – 16. For every kilometre ran, adidas will donate $1 to the program, with every dollar going towards the next phase of the partnership with the development and launch of the Parley youth activist platform. Run For The Oceans is a global movement by adidas and Parley that uses the power of sport to draw attention to the devastating levels and impact of marine plastic pollution. Their combined goal is to inspire positive action to tackle this problem now and raise vital funds to empower the next generation to protect the oceans for decades to come.
Ready to get running?
Download the Runtastic app to get involved!
If you needed any more proof that now is the time for action, keep in mind that every minute, the equivalent of a dump truck of plastic waste enters the oceans. And, at this rate, by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans. In 2019, adidas is upping the pace of change and the campaign this year will also unite more runners in more locations than ever before. Falling on World Oceans Day, it’s the best chance to make a difference together.
If you needed any more motivation to lace up your trainers, the 2019 Parley range will see the company produce a landmark 11 million pairs of shoes using upcycled marine plastic waste. So if you’re in the market for a new pair of kicks, consider buying some that’ll do good for the planet, too.
We all know there are plenty of beautiful running routes across London anyway, but adidas will also be hosting a series of events for local runners across the city. It’s the perfect excuse to head outside for a sociable run and save the planet at the same time. There’s plenty going on in London during the Run For The Oceans week with the adidas Runners community. We’ve listed a few of our favourites below, or find the full list of events here.

Saturday 8th June:
Celebrate World Ocean’s Day and join adidas Runners on a 6km route before heading to the river clean up event on Southbank with the wider adidas Runners community. Feel free to arrive up to 30 minutes early to trial a range of the adidas’ latest Running trainers.
There’s also an empowering women’s-only 7-8km route through the East-end of London on the same day. Afterwards, head back to the adidas Women's Studio for a sustainability panel workshop & surf-inspired workout that will get you ready to take on the waves this summer.
Monday 10th June:
Tackle those Monday blues with adidas Runners on a Signature Session in Vauxhall as adidas take on a Trash Run. They’re challenging you and your team to compete against one another to collect as much trash in the local area as possible.
Wednesday 12th June:
Wednesday evening there’ll be a 3-4km run before heading back to the adidas Women’s Studio for a sustainability panel talk with a very special guest…
Saturday 15th June:
To celebrate the RFTO week, meet at Primrose Hill & head up to Brent Reservoir as adidas tackles river pollution through the cleanup event. There’s also another women’s only event taking place on this day – the 10k training plan continues with a twist! Post-run, stick around after at the adidas Women’s Studio as adidas hosts a sustainable nutrition workshop & you’ll also have the opportunity to upcycle your tote bag!

We can only fight plastic pollution together, so invite your friends to sign up on Runtastic and head out for a run. Go out and Run For The Oceans because every km counts towards educating our future generation.
For every kilometer run during Run For The Oceans between June 8–16, 2019, adidas will contribute $1 to Parley Ocean School (capped at $1.5M) to educate youth on the threat of plastic pollution and inspire them to take action to create a better future for our planet. Parley plans to use the funding to continue running in-school programs and develop a digital youth activist platform to reach an even wider community. Registration for the platform will open on World Oceans Day, June 8, 2019.
By joining, youth will have access to the mentorship, tools and support they need to create change. Visit to register. #adidasparley
This article was sponsored by adidas. Learn more about Run For The Oceans here and download the Runtastic app here.